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Too Many Red Bandages Not Red Tape Says Hazards Magazine

The government may want you to believe we are a nation of greedy money grabbing chancers, says Hazards editor Rory O’Neill, but claims figures tell a different story. Even those dying of occupational diseases have precious little chance of securing a payout.

Pic: Hazards Red Tape article - click to go to their websiteIn a major new article in this months Hazards Magazine website, the facts about compensation claims and payouts is laid bare.

In the article, Rory begins by reminding of where this Tory-led Con-Demned government began in justifying their attacks on worker health and safety and by using untruthful and misleading propaganda:

The Common sense, common safety report from former Thatcher cabinet minister Lord Young really set the prime minister’s dizzying programme of compensation-busting policies in motion. Its subtitle was a bit of a giveaway. “A report by Lord Young of Graffham to the Prime Minister following a Whitehall-wide review of the operation of health and safety laws and the growth of the compensation culture.”

He adds:

The government has forced through the most wide-ranging reform of the compensation system in decades and embedded the notion that it isn’t just safety regulation that is a problem, it is the blame-obsessed vultures waiting to plunder thousands for every piddling bruise or graze.

The no-win, no-fee system was scaled back, the criminal injuries compensation scheme slashed and strict liability claims were outlawed

It all means there are fewer opportunities to claim and fewer lawyers willing to take them on anyway.

The article in full can be read here on the Hazards Magazine website.

Source: Hazards Campaign

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